Say hello to the

Adrenals & stress guide

This guide will teach you everything you need to know about your adrenals and what stress is. We dive deep into your HPA axis and the main causes of dysfunction, stress addiction, CORTISOL & adrenaline, and how to truly support a stressed body. 

It's time to break free from the endless cycle of burnout, busyness, stress and fatigue. 

inside the guide….


 Learn about the HPA Axis and causes of dysfunction 


Understand what stress truly is and how it shows up in the body


Dive deep into cortisol & adrenaline and stress addiction in our culture


 Identity how stress addiction manifests into physical symptoms


My tips on how to make the perfect adrenal cocktail & my favorite adrenal cocktail recipes


5 top ways to support your body now

the high functioning, anxious girlies, i am talking to you!

Chronic stress has a profound impact on our bodies. When it goes unregulated, it interferes with the way our adrenals release stress hormones, it impacts our inflammatory signaling pathways and can alter gene expression (via epigenetics).

Healing begins now


Guide for your healing era

Hi, I'm Ayla. I have helped dozens of women get out of living in fight or flight, improve their stress response, nourish their adrenals, balance their hormones, and regulate their nervous systems.

I specialize in complex chronic infections (Lyme, parasites, mold etc.) hormonal imbalances, gut issues, anxiety, stress, adrenal fatigue, blood sugar dysregulation, cortisol issues, weight gain, PCOS/insulin resistance, and more. 

It is my souls mission to guide women on their healing journeys. My promise is to never leave another woman stranded, feeling alone, and desperate for answers.

Repeat after me

It's time to stop living in fight or flight.
It's time to change my relationship with stress.
I no longer have to be addicted to being busy.
I can—and will—begin to allow myself rest and nourishment.

Ok, so how can i get less stressed?

This guide is packed with all the information you need to learn about your adrenals and stress, and tangible tools and steps you can begin taking now to nourish your adrenals and support your body. 

 Because you deserve to say goodbye to exhaustion and burnout!
